Sponsor a Beagle

Beagles have a sensitive nature and a strong desire to please
Sponsoring a beagle is a great way for you to help save the lives of beagles in central Pennsylvania. Your tax-deductible donation of $15.00 will sponsor a dog for a month. Sponsorship donations help support food, shelter and medical costs for our beagles.
If you wish to have your name displayed as a sponsor we will list you once we have received your donation. You can also be an anonymous sponsor. If you wish, your sponsorship can be in honor of someone or in memory of a loved one.
Your $15.00 donation can be made online by credit card using PayPal, a global leader in online payment services. You can use PayPal even if you don't have a PayPal account.
To be a sponsor and make your donation online by credit card, please select the beagle to sponsor from the drop-down list below and then click on Go. You can also go to the Our Beagles page and click on the "Sponsor" link underneath the beagle's picture.