Nittany Beagle Rescue - Sponsor Bandit

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Sponsor Bandit


Thank you for deciding to sponsor Bandit! Sponsoring a beagle is a great way for you to help save the lives of beagles in central Pennsylvania. Your tax-deductible donation of $15.00 will sponsor Bandit for a month.

Your $15.00 donation can be made online by credit card using PayPal, a global leader in online payment services. You can use PayPal even if you don't have a PayPal account.

Please answer a few questions and then click on Sponsor Bandit below. You will be taken to PayPal to complete your donation.

Your name: 

Your email address (optional): 

Are you sponsoring Bandit in honor or in memory of someone?
    Yes, in honor of: 
    Yes, in memory of: 

Would you like your name to be listed as a sponsor?
    No - I prefer to remain anonymous
    Yes - list my name

I would like to give an additional donation of $